Fittings Rounder

The Fittings Cylinder Machine is a very useful machine for rounding the inner and outer parts of an air duct elbow. Sliding cylinders allow the pre-sewn parts to roll by closing their own seams.


The Fittings Cylinder Machine is a very useful machine for rounding the inner and outer parts of an air duct elbow. Sliding cylinders allow the pre-sewn parts to roll by closing their own seams.


Technical Specifications

Power 4 KW
Voltage Frequency 220/2300 Vac / 50-60 Hz /1Ph+N+Pe
Current 18A
Control Type Double Foot Pedal (Forward-Backward)
Lubrication Manual
Speed 10 m/min
Minimum Sheet Thickness 120mm
Maximum Sheet Thickness 1500mm
Minimum Radius 200mm
Seam Type Snaplock, Pittsburgh
Workable Sheet Thicknesses 0,5 mm – 1,2 mm
Machine Dimensions 2300mm x 650mm x 1100mm
Weight 450 kg


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